Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
Article Info
Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose شماره 93

volume Number : 16
number In Volume : 11
issue Number : 93

Journal of the stylistic of Persian poem and prose
volume Number 16، number In Volume 11، ، issue Number 93

Reconstruction of procedure in fifth century Iran based on Persian prose texts

Vahid Eghbali , Hassan Akbari Bayragh (Author in Charge), Abdullah Hassanzadeh Mirali


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Judgment and proceedings have always undergone many transformations throughout history and have changed from a simple and basic form to a complex military form. In Iran, the judicial system has undergone many changes in different periods. Among the fundamental changes in Iran in the fifth century is the re-formation of political-social institutions that were destroyed at the beginning of the Arab invasion of Iran. Among these institutions, we can mention the judicial system. In this article, an attempt has been made to provide a comprehensive and clear image of the judicial system in this period while examining the judicial system of Iran in the fifth century.

METHODOLOGY: The present research is a theoretical study that was conducted in a library style. The scope and society under study is selected Persian prose texts of the 5th century.

FINDINGS: Among the reviewed books, books such as Tarikh Beyhaqi, Siasat nameh, Al-Tavasol al-Tarassol and Nasihat al-Moluk contain more content and evidence related to the topic of the research compared to other prose texts.

CONCLUSION: Based on the evidence obtained from these texts, it can be claimed that the king was the first and most powerful person in the judicial structure. Some kings have invented methods such as sitting on oppressors, chains of justice, wearing red clothes, etc. to deal directly with the problems of the oppressed. And on the other hand the plaintiffs, they have used methods such as standing in the way of the kings, telling stories, baring their heads, etc. And after the king, the Minister or the Grand Khwaja and the Qazi al-Qazat have been at the head of this position. The judge has been in charge of judging at a lower level than the judge of Qazi al-Qozzat.

prose texts , judicial structure , proceedings , litigation , judicial terms.

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